Come to my bedside,my darling

Come to my bedside, my darling.

Come over here and close the door.

Won't you lay your body soft and close beside me

And drop your petticoat upon the floor

I waited for you, oh, such a long time.

I tried to grow and be a better man.

If you knew your love has made one poor heart wealthy

Though my clothes may lay tattered in your hand.

Your breast has told my ear life's golden secrets.

Your back has shown my fingers endless groans.

Your lips have whispered wisdom that is timeless

About life and death and things I'd never known.

Your eyes are bluer than the mountain waters.

Your hair is flowin' dark and flowin' long.

Your skin has more gold than a morning sunrise.

It is softer than the breeze of a summer's dawn.

I miss you more with every passin' sunset.

I plan a plan on every new day born.

No, words cannot describe one thing I'm sure of,

That it's in my lovin' arms that you belong.

Violets of Dawn

Take me to the night I'm tippin’

topsy turvy turning upside down

Hold me tight and whisper what you wish

For there is no one here around

Oh you may sing song me sweet smiles

Regardless of the city's careless frown

Come watch the no colors fade blazing

Into pedal sprays of Violets of Dawn

In blindful wonderments enchantments

You can lift my wings softly to fly

Your eyes are like swift fingers reaching out

Into the pockets of my night

Whirling twirling puppy warm

before the flashing cloaks of darkness gone

Come see the no colors fade blazing

Into petal sprays of Violets of Dawn

Some prince charming I'll be

On Two white steeds to bring you diamond crowns

And climb your tower sleeping beauty

Before you ever know I've left the ground

You can wear a Cinderella, Snowwhite,

Alice Wonderland gown

Come watch the no colors fade blazing

Into petal sprays of Violets of Dawn

But if I seem to wander off in dream like looks

Please let me settle slowly

It's only me just staring out at you

A seeming stranger speaking holy

No, I don't mean to wake you up

it's only lonliness just coming on

So let the no colors fade blazing

into petal sprays Of Violets Of Dawn

Like shadows bursting into mist

Behind the echoes of this nonsense song

It's just chasing whispering trail

Of secret steps, oh see them laughing on

There's magic in the sleepiness of waking

to a childish sounding yawn

Come watch the no colors fade blazing

Into petal sprays of Violets of Dawn