I've Got You Under My Skin

I've got you under my skin.

I've got you deep in the heart of me.

So deep in my heart that you're really a part of me.

I've got you under my skin.

I'd tried so not to give in.

I said to myself: this affair never will go so well.

But why should I try to resist when, baby, I know so well

I've got you under my skin?

I'd sacrifice anything come what might

For the sake of havin' you near

In spite of a warnin' voice that comes in the night

And repeats, repeats in my ear:

Don't you know, little fool, you never can win?

Use your mentality, wake up to reality.

But each time that I do just the thought of you

Makes me stop before I begin

'Cause I've got you under my skin.

I would sacrifice anything come what might

For the sake of havin' you near

In spite of the warning voice that comes in the night

And repeats - how it yells in my ear:

Don't you know, little fool, you never can win?

Why not use your mentality - step up, wake up to reality?

But each time I do just the thought of you

Makes me stop just before I begin

'Cause I've got you under my skin.

Yes, I've got you under my skin.

Begin The Beguine

When they begin The Beguine

It brings back the sound of music so tender

It brings back a night of tropical splendour

It brings back a memory evergreen

I'm with you once more under the stars

And down by the shore an orchestra's playing

And even the palms seem to be swaying

When they begin The Beguine

To live it again is past all endeavour

Except when that tune clutches my heart

And there we are, swearing to love forever

And promising never, never to part

What moments divine, what rapture serene

Till clouds came along to disperse the joys we had tasted

And now when I hear people curse the chance that was wasted

I know but too well what they mean

So don't let them begin The Beguine

Let the love that was once afire remain an ember

Let it sleep like the dead desire I only remember

When they begin The Beguine

Oh yes, let them begin The Beguine, make them play

Till the stars that were there before return above you

Till you whisper to me once more, "Darling, I love you!"

And we suddenly know what heaven we're in

When they begin the Beguine

When they begin the Beguine

Miss Otis regrets

"oh, hi! is miss Otis in?"

"miss Otis regrets she's unable to lunch today."

Miss Otis regrets she's unable to lunch today, madam.

Miss Otis regrets she's unable to lunch today, mm.

And she's sorry to be delayed,

But last evening down at lover's lane

She strayed, madam.

Miss Otis regrets she's unable to lunch today.

When she woke up and found

That her dream of love was gone, madam,

She ran to the man

Who had lead her so far astray.

And from under her velvet gown

She drew a gun and shot her lover down, madam.

Miss Otis regrets she's unable to lunch today.

When the mob cam and got her

And dragged her from the jail, madam,

They strung her up

On the willow across the way.

And the moment before she died

She lifted up her lovely head and cried, madam.

Miss Otis regrets she's unable to lunch.

Miss Otis regrets she's unable to lunch today.

Anything Goes

Times have changed

And we've often rewound the clock

Since the Puritans got a shock

When they landed on Plymouth Rock.

If today

Any shock they should try to stem

'Stead of landing on Plymouth Rock,

Plymouth Rock would land on them.

In olden days, a glimpse of stocking

Was looked on as something shocking.

But now, God knows,

Anything goes.

Good authors too who once knew better words

Now only use four-letter words

Writing prose.

Anything goes.

If driving fast cars you like,

If low bars you like,

If old hymns you like,

If bare limbs you like,

If Mae West you like,

Or me undressed you like,

Why, nobody will oppose.

When ev'ry night the set that's smart is in-

Truding in nudist parties in


Anything goes.

When Missus Ned McLean (God bless her)

Can get Russian reds to "yes" her,

Then I suppose

Anything goes.

When Rockefeller still can hoard en-

Ough money to let Max Gordon

Produce his shows,

Anything goes.

The world has gone mad today

And good's bad today,

And black's white today,

And day's night today,

And that gent today

You gave a cent today

Once had several chateaux.

When folks who still can ride in jitneys

Find out Vanderbilts and Whitneys

Lack baby clo'es,

Anything goes.

If Sam Goldwyn can with great conviction

Instruct Anna Sten in diction,

Then Anna shows

Anything goes.

When you hear that Lady Mendl standing up

Now turns a handspring landing up-

On her toes,

Anything goes.

Just think of those shocks you've got

And those knocks you've got

And those blues you've got

From that news you've got

And those pains you've got

(If any brains you've got)

From those little radios.

So Missus R., with all her trimmin's,

Can broadcast a bed from Simmons

'Cause Franklin knows

Anything goes.