Con tempestoso mar per fragil barca Al comun porto, ov’ a render si varca Giusta ragion d’ogni opra trista e pia:
Che l’arte si fece idolo e monarca, Conosco ben quant’ era d’error carca; Ch’ errore è ciò che l’uom quaggiù desia.
Che fian or, s’ a due morti m’avvicino? L’una m’ è certa, e l’altra mi minaccia;
L’anima volta a quell’ amor divino, Ch’ aperse a prender noi in croce le braccia.
Like a frail bark reached that wide port where all Are bidden, ere the final reckoning fall Of good and evil for eternity.
Which made my soul the worshiper and thrall Of earthly art, is vain; how criminal Is that which all men seek unwillingly.
What are they when the double death is nigh? The one I know for sure, the other dread.
My soul that turns to His great love on high, Whose arms to clasp us on the cross were spread.