The Snow Goose

She came of no race, no people. She had no parents, no brothers and sisters, no husband, no children. But her blood cried out, her eyes were set on fire, and [she] achieved what no world has been able to tame: she grew a soul in a place where no soul ever grew before.


Mrs. 'Arris Goes to Paris

As long as she had flowers Mrs. Harris had no serious complaints concerning the life she led. They were her escape from the somber stone desert in which she lived. These bright flashes of color satisfied her. They were something to return to in the evening, something to wake up to in the morning.

Smiling slyly, pleased with herself, Lady Dant shut the wardrobe door, but she could not shut out from the mind of Mrs Harris what she had seen there: beauty, perfection, the ultimate in adornment that a woman could desire. Mrs Harris was no less a woman than Lady Dant, or any other. She wanted, she wanted, she wanted a dress from what must be surely the most expensive shop in the world, that of Mr Dior in Paris.
