The Girl Who Talked In Sing

That was her gift,

she caught your imagination,

the girl who talked in sing.

And that's where I found her,

running in the desert,

footprints scorching in the sand,

magic swirling in our minds.

It was youth that burned inside her,

that much I knew,

and she shone then

to steal your heart.

Every move was wind across my face,

and her smile echoed in my eyes,

breaking them into a thousand pieces.

And upon the glass we danced on,

brave tin soldiers

marching in the desert dust.

There she took my hand,

and her fire was mine,

this pure white light,

scorching my soul

in the cold desert circus.

And on the sing poured from her,

embering the world around us.

But as the suns rose,

my heart gave ways

to fading laughter,

for in this moment,

I knew,

a setting sun,

a truth too pure to live forever,

and still,

here she was perfect,

a shooting star,

and me, young Icarus,

with a bold heart

and melting wings,

let her turn me to ash.

The Old Man & The Boy

'Theres too much risk in loving.'

The young boy said.


'Said the old man.'

There's too much risk in not.

Ash Angels

There we were making rhythms,

jumping ahead of earth's own heart beat,

setting new time to our universe,

and we drank it in like warming wine.

We the children,

running to deserts,

pockets full of magic,

with whisky spirits and our souls in our


Us few the bold,

the brave trodden souls,

tobacco stinging bright our gypsy eyes,

kaleidoscopes reaching fingers through our minds

to stir our coloured dreams.

Our dusty hearts set aflame

by setting stars and shooting suns.

And here the sparks became our loves,

and so with them we danced up,

into airless skies and cloudless nights,

to make ash angles on moons,

and snowflakes of milky ways.

Little Black Cloud

If you were a cloud,

that one day,

wandered into space,

and got lost,

I would follow you.

And if you were sucked into the Milkey Way

and couldn't fly,

I would follow you there too.

And if you were pulled

into a giant black hole,

and it stole you through time and space,

I would swim after you.

And time could pass,

a million years,

but I wouldn't stop swimming.

And one day, I would find you again,

the only little cloud in space.

And then I'd turn around and swim you home.

And when we got back,

I'd put you up in the sky

where you belong.

And I would sit by a tree and read a book,

just me and my little black cloud.



to me

is stumbling around in the dark

searching for

the right words

to describe

that feelng

I get

when she smiles

in her sleep.

And as I sat

And as I sat and looked at her

and the rolling hills she sat upon

I thought, what amazing luck I have

that the world had created

such beautiful things

and given me the eyes to see them.