ELLIS, Havelock

Onward, Brothers

Onward, brothers, march still onward,

Side by side and hand in hand;

We are bound for man's true kingdom,

We are an increasing band

Though the way seems often doubtful,

Hard the toil which we endure,

Though at times our courage falter,

Yet the promised land is sure.

Olden ages saw it dimly,

And their joy to madness wrought;

Living men have gazed upon it,

Standing on the hills of thought.

All the past has done and suffered,

All the daring and the strife,

All has helped to mould the future,

Make man master of his life.

Still brave deeds and kind are needed,

Noble thoughts and feeling fair;

Ye too must be strong and suffer,

Ye too have to do and dare.

Onward, brothers, march still onward,

March still onward hand in hand;

Till ye see at last man's kingdom,

Till ye reach the Promised Land.

My father was a sailor

My father was a sailor,

My brother, a sailor was he,

And the man who would be my lover

A sailor he must be.

Oh, a pearl is a thing of much value,

And a diamond yet more than this;

But I know what to me is most precious,

And that is a student's kiss.

Do not look at my face;

I am brown, I am not fair;

When you look, look below my waist,

I am sweet altogether there.

My lover is but a small man,

So would I have him be;

Fewer leaves and more fruit ever

We find on the little tree.