La locandiera / The Mistress of the Inn


Huh! Marry Him! His Excellency Signor the Marquis Skinflint. That would be the day! The husbands I’d have, if I’d married all that had wanted to marry me! They’ve only got to enter this Inn and they fall in love with me and think they can marry me on the spot. Except this Signor Baron, the ill-mannered lout! What right’s he got to think himself too high and mighty to be civil to me? Nobody else who’s ever stopped at this Inn has ever treated me so! I certainly don’t expect him to fall in love with me at first sight—but to behave like that! That sort of thing infuriates me. So he hates women? Doesn’t want anything to do with them? The poor fool. He hasn’t met the woman yet who knows how to set about him. But he will. Oh, yes, he will, all right. And, who knows if he hasn’t just met her. Yes, this fellow might be exactly what I need. I’m sick to death of men who run after me. As for marriage—there’s plenty of time for that. I want to enjoy my freedom first. And here’s a chance to really enjoy it. Yes, I’ll use every art I have to conquer this enemy of women!

Il ventaglio / The Fan


Bad times, little business to be done in this village. I have as yet sold but one fan, and that I have given for a price--really just to get rid of it. The people who can spend take their supplies in the city. From the poor there is little to earn. I am a fool to lose my time here in the midst of these peasants, without manners, without respect, who do not know the difference between a shopwoman of education and those who sell milk, salad, and eggs. My town education stands me no stead in the country. All equal, all companions, Susanna, Nina, Margherita, Lucia; the shopkeeper, the goatherd, the peasant, all one. The two ladies yonder are a little more considered, but little, very little. As for that impertinent Nina, because she is a little favoured by the gentry, she thinks she is something great. They have given her a fan. What will a peasant girl do with such a fan? Cut a dash, eh! The minx must fan herself, thus. Much good may it do you! Why, it's ridiculous, and yet these things at times make me rage. I, who have been well educated, I can't tolerate such absurdities.

Il servitore di due padroni / De servant of two masters

DR. LOMBARDI: What? And you mean to tell me that this other marriage is to take place?

PANTALONE: For my part I have given my word and I cannot go back upon it. My daughter is content; what impediment can there be? I was just coming to look for you or Signor Silvio, to tell you this, I am extremely sorry, but I see no help for it.

DR. LOMBARDI: I am not surprised at your daughter’s behavior. But I am surprised at yours, sir, at your treating me in this disgraceful way. If you were not perfectly certain about the death of Signor Federigo, you had no business to enter into an engagement with my son; and having entered into an engagement with him, you are bound to maintain that engagement whatever it may cost you. The marriage which has been contracted this morning between Signora Clarice and my son coram fucking testibus cannot be dissolved. I should be ashamed to receive into my house so disreputable a daughter-in-law, the daughter of a man who breaks his word as you do. Signor Pantalone, you have done me an injury, you have done an injury to the house of Lombardi. The time will come when you will have to pay for it; yes, sir, the time will come. Omnia tempus habent. [Exit DOCTOR.]

PANTALONE: You may go to the devil for all I care. I don’t care a fig, I’m not afraid of you. The Rasponis are worth a hundred of the Lombardis. An only son, and as rich as he is – you won’t find that every day. It has got to be. [Enter SILVIO.]

PANTALONE: [aside] Oh great, here’s the other one.

SILVIO: [rudely] Your servant, sir

PANTALONE: [aside] He is in such a rage.

SILVIO: I have heard something from my father; am I to believe that it’s true?

PANTALONE: If your father said it, it must certainly be true.


Truffaldino. Heer, alles is klaar voor u .

Florindo. Hoe is het logies hier?

Truffaldino . ‘t Is een zeer goeie plek, Heer. Goeie bedden, fraaie spiegels, en een voorname keuken met een héérlijke geur . Ik heb de kelner gesproken. U zal bediend worden als een koning.

Flor. Wat is uw beroep?

Truff. Knecht.

Flor. Ben je Venetiaan?

Truff. Niet van Venetië zelf maar van de Staat. Ik kom uit Bergamo, tot uw dienst.

Flor. Heb je momenteel een meester?

Truff. Op ‘t ogenblik – om u de waarheid te vertellen -

Flor. Je zit zonder meester?

Truff. Zoals u ziet, heer, zit ik zonder meester

(terzijde) Mijn meester is hier niet, dus ik lieg niet.. [

Flor. Kom anders bij mij en wees mijn knecht?

Truff. Waarom niet?

[terzijde] Als zijn voorwaarden beter zijn.

Flor. Tegen elke prijs, zolang ik in Venetië blijf..

Truff. Zeer goed, heer. Hoeveel geeft u me?

Flor. Hoeveel wil je?

Truff. Dat zal ik u zeggen: een andere meester die ik had en die hier niet meer is, gaf me een shilling per dag en alles inbegrepen.

Flor. Goed, zoveel zal ik je geven.

Truff. U moet een beetje meer geven.

Flor. Hoeveel meer wil je?

Truff. Een halve penning per dag voor snuifpoeder.

Flor. Oh, ik geef je dat en een welkom.

Truff. Als dat zo is, ben ik je man, Heer.

Flor. Maar ik zou graag een beetje meer over jou weten.

Truff. Als u alles over me wil weten, gaat u dan naar Bergamo, iedereen zal u daar zeggen wie ik ben.

Flor. Heb je niemand in Venetië die je kent?

Truff. Ik ben pas deze morgen aangekomen, Heer.

Flor. Zo zo , ik houd je voor een eerlijk man, ik zal je op de proef stellen.

Truff. Stel me op de proef en u zal zien.

Flor. Eerst en vooral zou ik graag willen weten of er brieven voor me zijn bij de Post.
