MACLEISH, Archibald

Epistle To Be Left In The Earth

...It is colder now

there are many stars

we are drifting

North by the Great Bear

the leaves are falling

The water is stone in the scooped rock

to southward

Red sun grey air

the crows are

Slow on their crooked wings

the jays have left us

Long since we passed the flares of Orion

Each man believes in his heart he will die

Many have written last thoughts and last letters

None know if our deaths are now or forever

None know if this wandering earth will be found

We lie down and the snow covers our garments

I pray you

you (if any open this writing)

Make in your mouths the words that were our names

I will tell you all we have learned

I will tell you everything

The earth is round

there are springs under the orchards

The loam cuts with a blunt knife

beware of

Elms in thunder

the lights in the sky are stars

We think they do not see

we think also

The trees do not know nor the leaves of the grasses hear us

The birds too are ignorant

do not listen

Do not stand at dark in the open windows

We before you have heard this

they are voices

They are not words at all but the wind rising

Also none among us has seen God

(... We have thought often

the flaws of sun in the late and driving weather

pointed to one tree but it was not so.)

As for the nights I warn you the nights are dangerous

The wind changes at night and the dreams come

It is very cold

there are strange stars near Arcturus

Voices are crying an unknown name in the sky