SOSIURA, Volodymir

Love Ukraine

Love your Ukraine, love as you would the sun,

The wind, the grasses and the streams together…

Love her in happy hours, when joys are won,

And love her in her time of stormy weather.

Love her in happy dreams and when awake,

Ukraine in spring’s white cherry-blossom veil.

Her beauty is eternal for your sake ;

Her speech is tender with the nightingale.

As in a garden of fraternal races,

She shines above the ages. Love Ukraine

With all your heart, and with exultant faces

Let all your deeds her majesty maintain.

For us she rides alone on history’s billows,

In the sweet charm of space she rules apart,

For she is in the stars, is in the willows,

And in each pulse-beat of her people’s heart,

In flowers and tiny birds, and lights that shine,

In every epic and in every song,

In a child’s smile, in maidens’ eyes divine,

And in the purple flags above the throng…

Youth! For her sake give your approving laughter,

Your tears, and all you are until you die…

For other races you’ll not love hereafter

Unless you love Ukraine and hold her high.

Young woman! As you would her sky of blue,

Love her each moment that your days remain.

Your sweetheart will not keep his love for you,

Unless he knows you also love Ukraine.

Love her in love, in labour, and in fight,

As if she were a song at heaven’s portal…

Love her with all your heart and all your might,

And with her glory we shall be immortal.

(Translated by C.H. Andrusyshen and Watson Kirkconnell)