ESPRIU, Salvador
Oh, que cansat estic de la meva covarda, vella, tan salvatge terra
Oh, how tired am I of this
cowardly, old, so wild land of mine,
and how would I like to get away from it,
north and beyond,
where they say people are clean
and noble, educated, rich, free,
awake and happy!
Then, at the congregation,
brethren would say, disapprovingly:
"As the bird that leaves its nest,
so the man who leaves his place",
while I, already far away, would laugh
at the law and old wisdom
of this arid people of mine...
But I shall never dare follow my dream
and here will I remain until my death.
For I am also cowardly and wild
And above all, I love
with such a desperate pain
this poor,
dirty, sad, ill-fated land of mine.