avançant d'esma pel camí de l'aigua,
se'n ve la vaca tota sola. És cega.
el vailet va buidar-li un ull, i en l'altre
se li ha posat un tel: la vaca és cega.
mes no amb el ferm posat d'altres vegades
ni amb ses companyes, no: ve tota sola.
pel silenci dels prats i en la ribera, fan dringar l'esquellot mentre pasturen
l'herba fresca a l'atzar… Ella cauria.
i recula afrontada… Però torna, i abaixa el cap a l'aigua, i beu calmosa. Beu poc, sens gaire set. Després aixeca al cel, enorme, l'embanyada testa amb un gran gesto tràgic; parpelleja damunt les mortes nines, i se'n torna orfe de llum sota el sol que crema, vacil·lant pels camins inoblidables, brandant llànguidament la llarga cua. |
By the river shore, there goes the cow
Errant and lonely. She is blind.
The cow’s eye gouged out by a rock sent flying,
While the other eye is veiled over: she is blind.
Like she did before, just not as resolutely as yore
And without her mates; yes, she is alone now.
Deep in the silence of pastures and river banks, Sound their cowbells as they nonchalantly
Graze the fresh grass…She would fall.
And recoils somewhat in affront…Only to return, Head lowered, reaching for the water, drinking calmly. Little does she drink, far from athirst. She then raises her horns onto the wide sky, With a great sense of tragedy; she blinks Over the dead pupils, and moves back Under the scalding sun, yet orphaned of light, Hesitating in the unforgettable cattle tracks,
And tremulously flipping her long tail.