ESPANCA, Florbela

Ser Poeta

Ser poeta é ser mais alto, é ser maior

Do que os homens! Morder como quem beija!

É ser mendigo e dar como quem seja

Rei do Reino de Aquém e de Além Dor!

É ter de mil desejos o esplendor

E não saber sequer que se deseja!

É ter cá dentro um astro que flameja,

É ter garras e asas de condor!

É ter fome, é ter sede de Infinito!

Por elmo, as manhãs de oiro e cetim…

É condensar o mundo num só grito!

E é amar-te, assim, perdidamente…

É seres alma e sangue e vida em mim

E dizê-lo cantando a toda a gente!

To Be a Poet

To be a poet is to be taller, to be larger

Than men. To bite like others kiss.

It is to be a beggar and to give like you are king

of the kingdom of brief and ever-lasting pain.

It is to have a thousand wishes, splendor

And not even know what you desire.

It is to have here inside a star, a flame.

It is to have the condor’s talons and wings.

It is to be hungry, to thirst for the infinite.

The gold and satin mornings like an antique helmet;

It is to condense the world into a single cry,

And it is to love you, even so, desperately.

You are the soul, the blood, and the life in me

And I tell it to everyone through my song.

Verses de Orgulho

O mundo quer-me mal porque ninguém

Tem asas como eu tenho! Porque Deus

Me fez nascer Princesa entre plebeus

Numa torre de orgulho e de desdém.

Porque o meu Reino fica para além …

Porque trago no olhar os vastos céus

E os oiros e clarões são todos meus!

Porque eu sou Eu e porque Eu sou Alguém!

O mundo ? O que é o mundo, ó meu Amor ?

—O jardim dos meus versos todo em flor…

A seara dos teus beijos, pão bendito…

Meus êxtases, meus sonhos, meus cansaços…

—São os teus braços dentro dos meus braços,

Via Láctea fechando o Infinito.

Verses of Pride

The world distains me because nobody

Has wings like mine. Because God

Begot me princess among the people

In a tower of pride and disgust.

Because my Reign goes beyond here.

Because I bring in my look the vast skies

And the gold and lightening are all mine.

Because I am who I am and because I am somebody.

The world? What is the world, oh my Love?

—The garden of my verses all in bloom,

The wheat field of your kisses like blessed bread.

My ecstasy, my dreams, my fatigue,

—They are your arms inside my arms,

the Milky Way closing the Infinite.

translated by Kay Cosgrove


My body trembles seeking yours,

my hands are hot on your skin

smelling of amber, vanilla, and honey,

my crazed arms long to embrace you.

I search for your eyes everywhere,

thirsty for kisses, bitter,

overcome with hunger sharp and cruel,

because nothing satisfies it!

And I see you from afar. I feel your soul

near mine, a calm lake,

telling me that you don’t love me.

And my heart, disregarded,

drifts on the currents,

a black skiff on a sea of flames.

Trees of Alentejo

In the dead of night, curved at the foot of the mountain,

the plain is a brazier, and tortured,

the bloodied, rebellious trees

cry out for God to give them a fountain.

And late morning, when the sun embroiders

golden the Spanish broom burning by the road,

their tragic profiles are outlined against the horizon

like scruffy sphinxes.

Trees, hearts, souls that weep,

souls like mine that plead in vain

for relief from so much misery!

Trees . . . Don’t weep! Look here and see:

I too am crying out, dying of thirst,

begging God for my drop of water!